Author Archives: 4theloveofbody

Another Blog post dedicated to how amazing foam rolling is .

Reasons to foam roll:
• it can Reduce muscle soreness by speeding up your recovery time.
• Faster recovery time.
• Increase mobility/range of motion
• Increase circulation
• Myofacial/soft tissue release
• Reduce the appearance of cellulite, moving/freeing up certain types of fat distribution.
• mentally/physically relaxing
• helps with metabolism of body and even with certain types of sinuses or maybe even certain headaches

How does foam rolling speed recovery time?
Foam rolling creates pressure on the areas you roll out and this pressure helps to generate more circulation to the area.

What does the increased circulation do that helps reduce soreness, and speed up recovery? More circulation, means more fresh blood… more fresh blood means fresh oxygen and nutrients to the healing muscles. Fresh blood also means a trash pickup for all the byproducts and “garbage” the muscle does not need.


Myofacial whattt?
Myofacial refers to soft tissue like muscle and the fascia that surrounds it. Our entire skeletal muscle system is all connected from the toes to even your tongue. It’s all in one giant “balloon” that attaches to certain parts of our bones and surrounds our muscle groups. The fascia is the balloon /elastic material that surrounds, encloses and attaches our muscles. Our fascia can get stuck or if we are tight in one area the fascia pulls and just like a chain it ends up pulling on a connected area and can create tightness in an area totally different. For example really tight calves can contribute to tight knees/knee pain or even tight hips.

By putting pressure on the fascia we bring in oxygen and allow for a release to occur. The idea behind Myofacial release is that if we can release the areas that attach and surround a group of muscles, the muscles as a result will release as well. When you find those… lose your breath spots just hold it there and take some nice long deep beaths- in though nose and out through nose. *this type of breathing helps the muscles to relax* Then do tiny little moments over that spot.

Foam rolling your body including your hips/glutes, entire back body, shoulders and using it to stretch and release your neck will help you relax and stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system…if you do this while focusing on diaphragmatic breathing you are allowing your muscles to relax, your metabolism to run more efficiently and all other types of fantastic things to happen. By creating blood flow it can also help reduce inflammation.

Diaphragmatic Breathing is done by inhaling through your nose and filling your belly with air. Making your stomach rise and fill with air verses your chest and then exhaling emptying your stomach as well. I’d try it in through nose and out through nose first. But this type of breathing alone stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system allowing us to relax and certain systems of the body (metabolism, liver emptying, etc) to work.

How does foam rolling help reduce cellulite? It can free up soft tissue that might be stuck, and also by increasing circulation it can help free up the fat to be pulled into the blood stream where it has the possibility of being used up for energy. It mainly helps in fresh circulation which helps removal of toxins, fluids and connective tissue (Myofacial, etc ) helping to smooth out these areas.

Increase mobility and range of motion by allowing for that Myofacial release to occur ! This is great for muscle hygiene and can really make a difference PRE – WORKOUT!!

Try 10 full rolls over an area back and forth to start with in your foam rolling regimen.

If you don’t already have a foam foller, buy one! A ton of stores carry them you can easily find one online… if you are new to foam rolling I’d go with a medium/soft firmness. Not too soft unless you are REALLY tight/knotted and sensitive. Once you get used to a medium firmness then go to a more firm roller. I would avoid the ones with raised surfaces unless you are a super advanced roller and don’t bruise real easily. 🙂

HAPPY Foam Rolling!
-Sammie Rose


“Faster? How about better?” More wisdom via Seth Godin

If I could have choice of picking anyone’s brain in the world – Seth Godin always comes to mind. Mike Dolce, Dwayne Johnson, Daymond John and Seth Godin are easily on my list for people who I would just want to spend a day with, ask a ton of questions, watch them in action and  learn as much as I could from!

Seth Godin in particular for his marketing, creativity, quotes and entrepreneurial genuis!! As a college grad in Dietetics (Food and Nutrition Sciences,) my business and marketing background was nonexistent. That is, until I began my entrepreneurial journey and quest for knowledge and mentoring discovering the guru: Seth Godin.

Luckily Seth shares quite a bit of his knowledge and insight to me (and the rest of the internet browsing world) daily via his blog :

If you are a creative mind,  an entrepreneur or an aspiring one or have a passion for doing great work and doing what you love… do some google image searches, hashtag searches, pinterest searches and book searches on this man! Example of what you might find:


Here’s a little insight from a recent blog post from Seth Godins uniquely captivating blog :

Speedometer confusion
The number on the speedometer isn’t always an indication of how fast you’re getting to where you’re going.

You might, after all, be driving in circles, really quickly.

Campbell’s Law tells us that as soon as a number is used as the measurement for something, someone will get confused and start gaming the number, believing that they’re also improving the underlying metric, when, in actuallity, they’re merely making the number go up.

Here are a few measurements that are often the result of speedometer confusion:

Book sales vs. Impact

Money vs. Happiness

Twitter followers vs. Anything

Money raised vs. Votes earned

Weight vs. Health

Income vs. Skill

Facebook likes vs. Liked

Tenure vs. Competence

Length vs. Quality

Faster? How about better?


See what I mean??
Quite inspiring and super insightful.
Shareworthy fo sho! 😀

DRANK UP!! Just Drank and the #GallonChallenge


I know, you know this right? So, I was on one of my many Google Search tangents… planning my future SWETSWAG launch party- (which, by the way, you are totally invited to!) – and I was searching under the terms the coolest gallon water jugs ever and it was then that I discovered JUST DRANK. At first glance at the $14.95 price tag for the jug I was just about to return back to my “cool and unique water jug” search until the words  Quench your thirst & save a life caught my peripheral and JUST DRANK not only had my attention but my excitement and a big smile. 🙂

Check this out :

(This is not my hand, although, I like her nails 😉 I found this pic on instagram)


So, if you are:
A) Already drinking a gallon of water a day and want something a little more gangster than your probably over handled dirty, potentially environmental polluting gallon jug
B) Trying to encourage, monitor and increase your current water consumption
C) Down to make a difference in the world and open to use or add to your water drinking benefits
D) Just think this Jug is cool

You should head over to and join the #gallonchallenge – buy yourself your own reusable JUST DRANK ONE gallon water jug and help provide clean drinking water through building wells in communities in Africa and other countires. How awesome?!?!

Plus it makes monitoring and encouraging your water intake easy!



Another share that as your compassionate fitness liaison I HAD to bring to you!! Hope you appreciate this find as much as I do. 🙂

Drank up,

Call me crazy, but I prefer to pay for my music.

I know, I know… I can download it for free, right? I know these sites exist because almost everyone that discovers that I pay for my music gives me some form of the same reaction and direction of where and how I can download music for free.

To anyone who has ever been gracious enough to give me their time, input and guidance on where and how I can download free music– I thank you…and I sincerely apologize that I probably tuned out and just nodded in agreeance. (That’s really rude of me, I don’t normally do that, I usually listen to what people have to say,) but I don’t want to know how I can download music for free. Or how I can get out of paying for my music in any way.

Call me crazy I like to buy my music. (I by no means have the extra dinero- as a self-funded entrepreneur- coming out of a quarter life crisis of trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing with me life and how the hell I am going to do it;) every dollar counts… and so I only buy the jams I really love- but I prefer to pay for my music. I look at it like this… musicians, rappers, singers, instrumentalists, song writers…they are all dream chasers and their music is their work. It’s their job, and I don’t know who deserves to work for free? I think it’s safe to say that in todays music industry– passion has to drive those pursuing the field because you’re not guaranteed anything in your pocket by pursuing your craft. And I’m just saying if I spent years working hard pursuing my passion in the hopes of being able to make it my career- and you’re enjoying my work– I’d really hope yall would help me eat and buy my damn music.

Random thoughts :)I LOVE LOVE LOVE music and I support the artists.

I am however wondering about Spotify… if you pay for no ads does that mean the artists get more money or do they just get a percentage of downloads regardless? I don’t know how any of that works– I’d like to put together some SamJams workout playlists to share 🙂 .

Something to look into; in the meantime, listening to my most recent investments…


Foam Roll for plump and juicy muscles; that recovery pump.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … FOAM ROLLING IS THE SHIT. 🙂 Okay, maybe I haven’t used those words exactly but it’s the truth. There are soo many wonderful benefits of using a foam roller as part of your muscle hygiene routine but for the sake of this post– and to keep it on the short and sweet side I’m just going to touch on the nice “PLUMP PUMP” that can come as a result of a good foam roll sesh.

A post workout pump doesn’t sound right… I know, but I’m telling you if your body is stiff or sore or you’ve been training hard and you take some recovery time and a intimate foam foll sesh –chances are you’ll wake up the next day with your muscles feeling nice and full.

Here’s a simple easy to apply and understand explanation so this magical side effect of foam rolling makes sense. BLOOD FLOW. Imagine your muscles and joints full of hoses… big hoses that lead to tons of little hoses. These theoretical “hoses” (<blood vessels,capillaries,etc) fill up the muscle with a pump, with fresh nutrients and oxygen and bring them to life.

Imagine a kink in a hose… what happends to the muscle at the other end? Now imagine unkinking the hose? See how this makes sense!? Also, the hose that connects to lots of little muscles can be kinked far away and getting this out can fill up lots of “stiff/deflated” muscle tissue. I talked about this in my first muscle hygiene post. But it’s amazing how much of a difference this can make when there are some serious kinks.

When I roll out the kinks deep in my hips (piriformis) and my IT band I swear my legs and butt look and feel different the next day. When I work really hard to roll out all around my kinky left scapula my arms and delts plump up a little the next day and I am sure if I was a guy and had more chest muscle density I’d see some juiciness in my chest from a good foam roll sesh as well.

So since we are such an aesthetically obsessed community (this “fitness” community) … if the other reasons to foam roll or to practice muscle hygiene (ie: stretching, massage therapy, myofscial work) don’t impress you much… well, here’s one that might: it’ll help you to see and optimize your hard work and “gains.”

Take a rest day… fill up on some good nutrients and some extra water… put on some jams you can “vibe” to, dim the lights or spark some candles and loose yourself in a nice long relaxing foam roll session. Sleep like a baby, and wake up the next day feeling plump and juicy!

*Note if you are new to foam rolling you may not fill up right away… but perhaps after a few meals the next day you should notice a little bit of a plump pump from your hoses working efficiently.

Do it for the health benefits… or do it for the gains 🙂 but get your muscle hygiene on!

Hackfit Boston recap : doing insanity in a Microsoft Confrence Room and sleeping with friends


I definitely will add my own insight and feedback but Justin does such a great job summing up the sweatty entreprenurial genuis that ensued this past weekend at the second ever HACKFIT Boston. Read! Seriously it is a completely eye opening experience in so many ways.




My team BuddyBeats 🙂


In addition to the action mentioned in Justin’s post above… one of my teammates and I ventured out on the Hubway bike rentals and rode through the city to take a Flywheel class (which was effn awesome!!,) and I entered a planking competition (I didn’t win but I swear it gave me an ab back!)

I documented this ab!



Not only did I learn what an API is … and network with some of the most innovative and genuis software developers, product developers, business developers,  marketers, web coders, and local companies that include wearable fitness technology and yummy healthy eats…but I got a jump start on getting myself back in shape!

I have officially recruited 3 people to a Hackfit event and my mission is to keep spreading the word because it is unlike anything else out there and is truly an invaluable experience.

Justin Mendelsen is the sh*t! And so is for my awesome new Pebble by FitLinxx!!

Ready to track my steps 🙂


Current Samjam

My apologies on the lack of blogs the past few days… I’ll be back on it tomorrow 🙂

In the meantime I’ve got a few top Samjams currently… one being Summer- by Calvin Harris and another that I am just loving right now is by  Disclosure – feat. Sam Smith. It’s called “Latch.” (Official Vid…:

It’s just so fun. Definitely going on my ipod. If you haven’t heard it- I recommend checking it out and at least letting it ride to a little past the one minute mark.

Hope you like!

My spontaneous pitch:BUDDY BEATS

Two days down and one to go at Hackfit Boston… I decided to pitch last minute an idea where you can “Sweat in sync” and somehow livestream your music so that you and a friend or a group can listen to the same music – at the same time.

You can jump in the stream at any time as well… doesn’t have to be in the same location and it would have a user base so you can find people who are on Buddy Beats and join in to their livestream and vice versa.  Imagine going on a run with some friends, jamming to the same songs in your headphones simultaneously.



Just a last minute, spur of the moment pitch. Presentations are tomorrow but first we have 8am Broga! Sooo it is past my bedtime.

Sweat in sync with BuddyBeats.

Chi Bang Bodies kicked my Ass! Hackfit Boston Kickoff Event

First off let me just say that it is 1:00am on Saturday morning… and I’m exhausted in bed eating an apple, drinking a protein shake and forfeiting a little extra sleep to write this blog post.

My blogging goal is once a day, and the last few days I didn’t make par. I flew from Florida back to Massachusetts yesterday in time for today’s kick off of Hackfit Boston! I spur of the moment pitched an idea and now have a team to meet tomorrow morning for a start up company. 🙂 It’s pretty cool, although I feel bad that technologically I have nothing to offer– I have the vision and my team has some serious technological and software / website developing skills! Plus they are pretty effn awesome.

I have close to an hour commute into Boston at 7am so I better get to bed, but I just wanted to share that day 1 was awesome and I have soooo much to share! Hackfit is seriously one of the most amazing experiences ( ) and this is my second time and I am just awed at the opportunities presented to us at this event. Microsoft hooooked it up too! I’ll share that in the event recap.

But tomorrow we have breakfast at 8am … my team is also scheduled to try Flywheel Spinning and Rock Climbing at Brooklyn Boulders Somerville amidst hacking and creating my BuddyBeats pitch- so I’m going to have to cut this short and I will just say that this kick off event kicked my ass!! led us in a 40 minute Insanity work out and I now feel like my body is made out of mashed potatoes!! Insanity is insane and Chi Bang Bodies aint no joke. My cardio and muscle endurance was wayyy off but we were jamming, over 100 of us… #epic.

Anyway, forgive me on the last few days ! I can’t wait to share more and see what transpires with BuddyBeats. 🙂

Lots of love from me and my mashed potato feeling body,

SWETSWAG update. Dying experiment success!

“About two years ago and travelling across the states for 3 fabric and textile trade shows, price quotes and searches with several printing companies and distributors– I discovered that the printing process I want for SWETSWAG towels is just not done domestically. Not only is it not done domesticay but the smallest minimum order I can get is 1,500 towels, AND these 1,500 have to be same design/same color. So I was stumped… my goal with swetswag was Color and Variety and once o branded myself to add fun phrasing and imagery to the towels. I’ve explored allll other options, read extensive literature on towels and printing processes and every time I find a potential “settle” launch towel idea… I just don’t feel like it gives SWETSWAG the integrity it deserves. I have to be proud of the product I put out, I want to make towels you love ♥♥. Then in the midst of a polar vortex and encouragement from some very special friends (you know who you are) I started thinking outside the box. Yes, I am actually planning on hand-dying hundreds of towels so I can launch with the printing process I want, with color variety at the price point I wanted to sell for. Fingers crossed my chemistry labs and towel dye research will pay off and this works. I believe it will!  And I would be Proud to put my own sweat into my product 🙂 the idea of spending hours stirring and rinsing and washing the towels actually makes me even more excited that I can add my own personal touch and originality to the first season. 1,500 is a lot of towels though lol #gottahavefaith #swetswag #entrepreneur #thinkingoutsidethebox
Anyone have experience with poly dyes have any advice for me? 🙂 “

Happy to share that towel dying experiments one and two were a success!


I am so happy that I didn’t throw in the towel. *No pun intended.
SWETSWAG is coming into fruition and I can’t stop smiling.

Thanks for letting me share my story of #swetswaginthemaking with you.
Much love,

The Nutshell Version

The Life & Times of Susie... In a Nutshell.


You'll Be Okay

Fit, Happy, Healthy and Positive.

Happiness, fitness, health and positiveness. You are the only one who has the power to have all these in your life.

A Stairway To Fashion

imagination is the key

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma