Understanding the “hip hinge” for deadlifts and good mornings and in yoga :)

So maybe you’ve heard it before or are a trainer who has a hard time cueing this movement… or even for some yoga postures as well. I find “hinging at the hips” to be a tough movement for people to get so I explain it like this…

When you are hinging at your hips, your hips are acting just like the hinge on a door. From your hips down to your feet is the “door frame” (stationary) and from your hips up is the “door.” So if you think of opening and closing this “door” or hinging at the hips to perform a good morning or a deadlift… it might help to think of this metaphor. πŸ™‚


If you can get access to an FMS stick or a light weight stick /broom handle this is a great mobility drill to help with the hip hinge… pretend you have an apple under your chin to keep spine as neutral as possible.

**Remember the first step of any exercise is to set your self up. This means your feet are grounded and even, back is tall,strong and engaged, shoulders back ,core is engage.**

I always do more of a squat to pick up my weight for a deadlift and then set up at the top… or I pull it from a rack unless I’m going light. *Most deadlift injuries occur from that pull from the ground…so avoid going so low that the weight is touching the floor…unless you have bumper plates. Protect the spine — πŸ™‚ your hamstrings will not miss out, in fact you may feel it more and you’ll allow your back to stay fully erect and engaged throughout the whole movement .

Hope this helps when you think of the hip hinge πŸ™‚


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