Fat is Fat and Muscle is Muscle.

Just some facts I want to shed light on.

Muscle tissue is muscle tissue and fat is fat… one can never become the other. They are completely different tissues made of completely different cells.

So the old myth of turning fat into muscle is busted. And the notion that you can’t build muscle while cutting fat simply makes no sense.

What do you need to build muscle?
●Adequate protein and complimentary training.
●Vitamins and minerals and nutrients to heal, recover and function.
●Aquate calories from carbohydrate and/or fat storage to meet your body’s needs.

What do you need to burn fat?
●A calorie deficit.
●healthy functioning metabolism

So wait, how do you eat enough to build muscle and still be low enough in your calories to burn fat? And wouldn’t my body start to eat my muscle if I’m in a calorie deficit?

Again, muscle is muscle and fat is fat. Metabolically your body is smart. It’s made for survival. It functions in a way that your muscle tissue is the LAST place it will go to break down cells for energy. Here I am referring to your actual true muscle tissue…your red meat.


Your muscle tissue is a storage house of glycogen. *Glycogen is basically stored forms of carbohydrates.* Another example of how smart your body is.–> It totally makes sense to store some energy right in the muscle so when it needs to grab some quick…it’s right there.

In the same token you don’t need thousands of grams of protein to build muscle. Don’t do that…your kidneys will NOT like that. (Blog to come on why too much protein is not good.) There is something called your Nitrogen Balance. This would be measured in a lab in your urine (via your kidneys 🙂 ) Anyway, in order to build muscle tissue you just need to be in a positive nitrogen balance…even by one little decimal point.

I guess my point is… muscle is built from protein… it works and runs on carbohydrates and some fat as fuel… but one does not become the other and so you not need to “bulk” in order to build muscle and you aren’t necessarily going to compromise muscle if you are trying to lose fat because they are two totally different things. You do; however, need to make sure you are meeting your protein needs to build and/ or hold muscle tissue while consuming fat and carbs to both fuel your muscles and give your body what it needs to function optimally while being in the caloric surplus or deficit according to your goals and training. 🙂

Just clearing the basics,
-Sammie Rose

Ps. I think you are awesome.

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